Boost Your Energy and Immunity With IV Nutrient Therapy

Have you been feeling more tired than usual? Are you having difficulty meeting your nutrient needs? You may be a terrific candidate for IV nutrient therapy

IV nutrient therapy uses the same nutrient and fluid-replenishing system hospitals have used for years. In addition to other uses, IV nutrient therapy can help boost your energy levels while keeping your immune system strong. At Delmarva Pain and Spine, Shachi Patel, MD, and our team are excited to help you feel better. 

How IV nutrient therapy works

Your body relies on specific micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, for overall wellness, normal body function, and positive energy levels. While you can get these nutrients from foods and supplements, IV nutrient therapy allows for quicker and fuller absorption. This is because the nutrients are delivered directly into your veins, bypassing your digestive organs. 

Your immune system also benefits from IV nutrient therapy, because specific nutrients support immune function. The treatment also helps restore hydration, which is key for positive energy levels and allowing your body to flush out harmful bacteria through urine.

IV nutrient therapy for energy

At our office, Dr. Patel provides customized nutrient therapy blends to address your specific needs. Deficiencies of nutrients can lead to symptoms such as fatigue and tiredness. By addressing these deficits through IV nutrient therapy, you can experience relief from these symptoms. And because hydration plays a hugely important role in the ability to feel energized, the fluids can quickly bring relief related to dehydration.

IV nutrient therapy for immune function

Your immune system relies on numerous essential nutrients for normal function. Vitamin C, for example, helps lower inflammation in the body. Research shows that supplementation of vitamin C may help prevent and treat various systemic and respiratory infections in people lacking the nutrient or prone to health problems. 

Your IV nutrient therapy may also include these nutrients that support immunity from illnesses:

What happens during IV nutrient therapy

After a consultation, including a discussion of your current symptoms and medical history, Dr. Patel will recommend a specific blend of nutrients for your treatment. Each IV nutrient therapy session takes about 20-60 minutes. While you might experience brief discomfort when the needle is inserted, most people find the treatment tolerable. All you have to do is sit back and relax while the fluids and nutrients enter your bloodstream. 

To find out if IV nutrient therapy is right for you, contact Delmarva Pain and Spine to schedule a consultation.

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