Virtual Telemedicine Visits!

We're Offering Virtual Telemedicine Visits!


Given the current situation and a need to maintain 'social distancing', our office is offering an alternative to face-to-face continuity of care. While the COVID-19 restrictions are in place, we are offering appointments by telehealth for your safety and the safety of our staff.


Our telehealth visits are HIPAA compliant and secure end-to-end for your protection. Stay home, stay healthy! Call us @ (302) 355-0900 to get scheduled for a virtual visit today!!


Please note that per state and federal guidelines, telemedicine visits are treated as typical office visits. Copays and charges typical to a regular office visit may still apply, however, many insurers are waiving charges due to the circumstances.


Once you are scheduled, you can join the virtual visit on your phone or computer by going to the following link below. Once the visit starts, please be sure to permit the use of your camera and microphone for the call and follow any other directions provided!




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