Vitamin B12 Shot - Delaware

Concerned about ongoing fatigue and malaise?  Come visit us and get your Vitamin B12 level checked!

What is vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble nutrient, also known as cobalamin. It is an essentail nutrient in for proper bodily function of many systems in the body, including:

  • Red Blood Cells, a lack of B12 can lead to anemia (not having enough red blood cells), causing you to feel tired and weak.
  • Energy production (metabolism)
  • Neurological (brain) function

Vitamin B12 plays a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. It’s also important in the formation of red blood cells.


What symptoms can occur with vitamin B12 deficiency?

 Common signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include:

  • Difficulties with maintaining balance
  • Fatigue, lethargy or feeling faint due to anemia
  • Feeling of pins and needles
  • Headache or irritability
  • Mouth sores
  • Reduced cognitive function (memory or comprehension issues)
  • Sore and swollen tongue (may appear pale yellow or red)
  • Vision changes

How do I get vitamin B12?

Typically, Vitamin B12 will be given to the shoulder muscle in our office.  After sanitizing, your clinician will use their thumb and forefinger to hold the skin tight and administer the shot.  This is a safe and easy procedure, that takes only several minutes to complete.  After the procedure you will be able to continue your day as otherwise planned with no recommended downtime. B12 shots start to work much faster than vitamins taken orally. Typically, people start experiencing benefits 24-72 hours after treatment.


DPSC Staff

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